Monterey Personal Training’s Client Success Proccess

With so much disillusionment in the world, what if we told you that you can achieve anything you want?

I know this sounds like some pseudoscience nonsense, but what if we backed it up with the most accurate psychological and goal-setting science available and used bulletproof analysis to make it happen?

At MPT we use our Success Process Skills to enable you to accomplish anything you want to in this life.

As long as it can be manifested, and as long as you are willing to put in the effort.

If you’re sick of not living your dream, let us walk you through our self-actualizing process.

We see personal training as developing the ability to have transcendent experiences that can help you in other avenues of life. Let me explain.

While engaging with Monterey Personal Training you will learn process skills.

We call these “Success Process Skills”.

Process skills are foundational skills that can be utilized in ANY other life domain. You’d be surprised at how effective skills transfer.

“The process skills are ways of thinking about and interacting with materials and phenomena that can lead to an understanding of new scientific ideas and concepts. By using these skills, students can gather information, test their ideas, and construct scientific explanations of the world.”

We do this by:


  1. Digging Deep, TRULY understanding what makes you tick, where you are in life, and why you want to achieve these goals.

  2. We use that information to set SMART goals that are achievable, realistic, timely, specific, and measurable 

  3. We use small success stories like putting 5lb more on your deadlift, 2lbs of weight lost, exercising without pain, positive and warm relationship building with your trainers to reinforce and build confidence. 

  4. These success stories start building robust confidence, resilience, autonomy, self-efficacy, and self-improvement.

  5. You come to the understanding that you can change anything in your life that is under your control. Shifting your locus of control internally. This is where the magic happens

  6. You now know how to analyze what you want out of life and how to set achievable goals 

  7. Now that you have manageable, realistic goals; only consistent effort is needed to manifest your visions. 

  8. This process can be duplicated and scaled in ANY domain of life. From family to finance to relationships.

You can achieve anything you want in this life, as long as it can be manifested and as long as you’re willing to put in the effort.

Jesse Snyder

More than a personal trainer, my education in physiological sciences provides me with the unique ability to address a wide variety of wellness related issues. My vision for people's health transcends beyond the gym environment. People's health is a serious matter for me, and as a trainer with an academic background in the physiological sciences, I have the opportunity to stand in a unique position to help address a wide variety of health and wellness related issues.

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How Jesse Creates His Clients’ Workouts