Creating A Successful Personal Training Business Step 11: Transcending


Well, you’ve done it. Congratulations! You’ve set up working hours that are exactly what you wanted. You have disposable income. You answer only to yourself and have demonstrated immense environmental mastery. You can make a tech executive salary and work half the hours, all while working with some of your best friends. Changing lives - and having your life changed as well. 

This was no small feat, so make sure to take it all in. Now if you’re reading this, and not believing it could ever be possible, I implore you to reconsider. A master plan is started by just taking one step. One little toe over the starting line, followed by one small foot over the other. Just as a toddler learns to walk. Almost everyone eventually learns to run.

Oftentimes the journey will be one step forward and two steps back, but with a growth mindset, you will experience, grow, learn, and be in awe of the amazing process that is unfolding. Now this journey may take 6 months or it could take 5 years, but don’t focus on the end timelines all that much. Embrace the process to the best of your ability.  Life unfolds as it should.

So what’s next? Do you want to scale? Do you want to open up other sources of passive or active income? Are you comfortable and enjoying the fruits of your labor?

The act of the self-made startup entrepreneur is one of the most important journeys one can ever embark upon. In order to do what you have or are about to do you need to have the immense ability to see the world clearly, come up with ingenious strategies, and execute them masterfully. 

You will need to push your natural personality set points past what you’re comfortable with. You will need brutal honesty and be able to love and accept yourself, flaws and all. You will need the mental fortitude of Alex Honnold climbing Half Dome without ropes and the ability to remain calm like a big wave surfer being held down at 30 feet with the chance of resurfacing out of their control. 

When you embark on this journey, it’s not just about the money. The adoration of your clients. The middle finger to your haters. It’s about becoming you. It’s about tapping into the world's energy and figuring out where you fit in within the vast complexity. That’s the art of transcendence. Tapping into critical, scientific, and analytical thinking; while still being swayed by the electrical currents of spirituality, self-actualization, and intuition.

Just know that you are the master of your own destiny.

You are self-determined.

You can achieve anything you want. 


Jesse Snyder

More than a personal trainer, my education in physiological sciences provides me with the unique ability to address a wide variety of wellness related issues. My vision for people's health transcends beyond the gym environment. People's health is a serious matter for me, and as a trainer with an academic background in the physiological sciences, I have the opportunity to stand in a unique position to help address a wide variety of health and wellness related issues.

How Jesse Creates His Clients’ Workouts


Creating A Succesful Personal Training Business Step 10: Launching Your Business