Creating A Succesful Personal Training Business Part 3: Manifesting Success

Manifesting Success

Performance Psychology is the most relevant field to everyday life success, full stop. Understanding performance mindset psychology is like figuring out how to become a real-life wizard. There are tried, and academically true, methods that the best in the world use to achieve their goals. Using these skills will continue to reinforce the notion that you are strong, capable, and able to manifest anything you want in your life. To do this we need to understand motivation.

I am fascinated by the things that make humans work. Yes, I am weird. That is why I was an Exercise Physiology major; humans fascinate me. Add in some psychology and I’m a happy camper.

Questions about human biology often ramble through my head. Like how come when we step forward, we also move in a forward manner; not just fall over?

How can I glance at someone’s facial features and within seconds have an accurate read of who they are?

How come some people go on to achieve great things, while others are seemingly content to wallow in mediocrity?

The latter of those pondering is the most relevant to this section of the article, myself, and our clients. Why are some people great, and what motivates them to do so? How come some people are able to manifest their dreams and others are not?

"I don't know Jesse, that's why I'm reading this."

Fair enough, so let's shine a particularly bright light on a topic that was a personal revelation upon discovery. 

Now to understand what makes humans tick, you need to know of a theory that was on top of the psychological textbooks for quite some time.

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

This theory stated that you needed to complete 5 linear steps before achieving your best self and reaching "self-actualization":

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.

2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom from fear.

3. Love and Belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust, and acceptance, receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work).

4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-respect, respect from others.

5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, and peak experiences.

Now if you were like me, you snoozed through this theory in your undergraduate psychology classes; it's boring and never felt relevant or applicable. Maybe you even skipped that little paragraph; my point exactly! The theory doesn't seem intuitive and applicable.

As we all know dissatisfaction is a driver for change, and that's where the revelation part of my journey to understand human achievement occurred. While taking a graduate-level course as an undergraduate (don't ask), on Motivation and Performance at SFSU, I was directed to a theory that was much more relevant to my experiences. Unlike the hierarchy of needs, it just clicked.

-Self Determination Theory-

This theory is less complex than Maslow's and much more user-friendly with a little more science behind it. Both theories are getting to the same point, why do people do what they do, and how.  You see, science shouldn't be hard; a method only for the PhDs. What science should help you do is be a catalyst for you to come to your own decisions with confidence. A metaphorical guiding light for decision-making in a world often filled with ambiguity. 

Now, What is Self Determination Theory?

Self Determination Theory has 3 main components or "basic psychological needs". A lack of fulfillment of these needs can lead to an increase in negative emotions, lack of fulfillment, and lack of motivation.

"Jesse, what are these basic psychological needs! I need to know them now!!"

OK, here they are:

1) Competence - The need to feel that you're good at something: Mastery

2) Autonomy- The need to feel like you are in control of your life and decisions

3) Relatedness - The need to feel like you belong to a group of other humans

These factors have been thoroughly studied, and if you aren't hitting at least two out of three of these on a regular basis; there's a chance you're not feeling very self-actualized or even good about yourself.

You're certainly not feeling a lot of positive emotions, and as we all know; positive emotions skyrocket productivity. That's not just hooey-dooey psycho-babble either people; positive emotion can be a lifesaver for your career.

So when you find yourself feeling all introspective-y and wondering why you aren't motivated to achieve your dreams and passions, take a good look and see if your basic psychological needs are being met.

Take a brief second for self-reflection and ask yourself if these three needs being met. It'll only take a second, and the long-term dividends for such an easy task may suit your fancy. 

But I'm Not Sure What to Look For!

Some key features you should look for during your reflection:

1) Lack of Autonomy-

"I feel like I'm being controlled by something or someone. I'm on a wild roller coaster ride and am just the passenger without a seat-belt"

2) Lack of Competence -

"I feel like I'm really bad at this and not getting better. I try and try to get better, but still lack confidence in what I do. I’m an imposter"

3) Lack of Relatedness -

"I feel like I can't talk to any of my friends or coworkers about what's bothering me; I feel isolated and alone in my struggles"

These can all contribute to a lack of motivation, flourishing, and contribute to learned helplessness; and those traits are not ideal my friends! Luckily we now have the knowledge of what motivates human behavior; or at least have one of the most accurate guesses, (Yes, that's all science is. Accurate guessing.).

So what gives?! I’m living a pretty good life, but what steps can I take to live a better life; transcend normal, and achieve my dreams.

Jesse Snyder

More than a personal trainer, my education in physiological sciences provides me with the unique ability to address a wide variety of wellness related issues. My vision for people's health transcends beyond the gym environment. People's health is a serious matter for me, and as a trainer with an academic background in the physiological sciences, I have the opportunity to stand in a unique position to help address a wide variety of health and wellness related issues.

Creating A Succesful Personal Training Business Part 4: Achieving Your Dreams


Creating A Succesful Personal Training Business Part 2: Creating Your Vision