Why You Should Still Get Personal Training At Home During Covid-19

The Basics

We’ve shifted from mortality via acute injuries to chronic disease states where most are correlated to physical inactivity, inadequate consumption of whole foods, excess body weight, and lack of strength.

As trainers, we are in one of the most unique positions to combat our current disease epidemics. Physicians can treat the symptoms, but we can tackle the root cause with resistance training, cardiorespiratory fitness, and healthy body weight.

“Muscular strength was inversely and independently associated with all-cause mortality even after adjusting for several factors including the levels of physical activity or even cardiorespiratory fitness.” Muscular strength as a strong predictor of mortality: A narrative review.

As someone looking into starting personal training, your long-term health and quality of life can be measurably increased with the decision to start a physical activity routine. Don’t let COVID slow down your commitment to your health.

There are effective ways to get excellent personal training, despite gym closures.

Jesse Snyder

More than a personal trainer, my education in physiological sciences provides me with the unique ability to address a wide variety of wellness related issues. My vision for people's health transcends beyond the gym environment. People's health is a serious matter for me, and as a trainer with an academic background in the physiological sciences, I have the opportunity to stand in a unique position to help address a wide variety of health and wellness related issues.


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